This was a short article/topic I originally posted on linked.
The main reason many startups, SaaS and B2B companies begin producing content, is to raise awareness and start positioning their brand as an authority and industry leader.
These reasons are also very important and heavily connected to earning organic traffic from Google. Here are some tips around content types that people are actually searching for, content types that actually have a higher chance of bringing in customers and not just readers:
Tip 1: ‘Alternative to’ or ‘us vs them’ content – your customers are constantly researching, comparing and looking for benefits to help them make a decision. So why not get in on your competitor’s search traffic, where YOU control the narrative.
‘Alternative to Competitor Brand’ Posts and ‘Your Cool Brand vs Competitor Brand’ Posts can bring in valuable traffic, as these searchers are aware of brands and solutions and are further along the purchase funnel.
Here you can see an example of how SendInBlue has written comparison content around Mailchimp and other alternatives and how they are ranking and bringing a lot of traffic from these searches – worth doing right?

Tip 2: Write content about the best tools/methods for a specific industry, or a specific task you know your potential customers need help with and that your company can deliver on. Be sure to include your product at the top with more in-depth features and benefits listed. Even better, show them how to actually do it ‘with your tool’. Break it down for them.
Example: If you search for ‘best tool for website crawling’ you should find an article from ‘Octoparse’ that features themselves first before showing you free/alternative options. These searchers are ‘problem-aware’, get in front of them, introduce them to your brand/company and show them how you can help.

Remember, your content needs to be BETTER than what Google is already showing in their top results, so do your research. Go that bit further, write more, write better, embed rich media (video/custom images/audio). Anything to stand out and be better.